Room for Rent

Grand Rapids MI 49504, USA
Point of Contact: Mandie Murray 
Asking monthly Rent: $300
Mandie Murray is looking to live with : Anyone
Are smokers allowed: Yes
Is the room next to public transportation?: Yes
Are pets allowed?: No

Additional Information

we have a very nice spacious 3 bedroom upstairs apartment with a balcony, and outer mudroom-like area at the top of the stairs. nice spacious kitchen/dining area with vinyl tile floors, and a pretty decent sized bathroom, with linoleum flooring and double pane glass shower doors. very spacious living room area.
there is a really nice walk out balcony off the front of the living room with patio chairs, smoking is to be done on the balcony or downstairs in the yard. bedroom off the kitchen is available. living room has no cable, however when someone moves in, and costs are shared equally, we can get a satellite dish.
we are asking for decent people with some values, respect and sense of cleanliness to move in. we do not discriminate against anyone based on age, gender, orientation, marital status or religion. we would be willing to house single people, or a couple, even a couple with a small child, as we have a three year old son that we have shared custody of so he is with us a few days/nights per week. we make home-cooked meals almost every night of the week and if you would like to chip in on groceries, you are more than welcome to join us. rent will be $300 for a single person, 450 for a couple, and a $60 deposit per adult, then $20 a month for half cable, half for gas and electric. if you have questions, feel free to contact me.
what we ask is:

*you absolutely must be employed and work at least 20hours per week, or have some kind of dependable income that will provide enough to cover expenses.

*you must be able to clean up after yourself and claim responsibility for your own messes. we don't want dishes sitting in the sink dirty for days at a time, or laying around the house where they can attract bugs. you also must be able to clean up after yourself in the bathroom and elsewhere in the house; in other words if you shave clean it up, if you leave a mess in the shower rinse it up.

*you must pay for your portion of things, such as toiletries, groceries and other things. we take turns buying toilet paper and paper towels. we also take turns doing dishes and the like.

*you may not bring pets into our home, our land lord does not allow animals, other than fish or caged animals that don't wander the house and mess on the floor.

*"420" is ok as long as you don't bring it into our house or on the property because we have a child in the house

we also aren't big partiers, but we love to hang out, chill have a few beers and rent a movie, i also cook a lot so if you aren't big into cooking you can share with us if you would like because i cook home made meals almost every night of the week. if you are of age, you can feel free to tag along with us to the bar when we go to hang out.

we don't want to make this too long, and we are not trying to sound pissy or finicky but we want responsible people living with us, who can pay for their bills and aren't looking to mooch off of us, or slack off thinking they are going to get a free ride because we are good, honest people who work very hard for what we have. we pay our bills, buy our own food and are law abiding citizens.
this apt truly is a bargain only minutes from grcc, aquinas and grand valley's downtown campus. also just a short drive across the bridge or over 131 to downtown.
we are a 23yr old female and 24yr old male engaged couple.

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