Roommate Profile
Detroit MI 48202, USA
Point of Contact: Jessica Janicki
How much is Jessica Janicki looking to pay in rent?: $350
Jessica Janicki is looking to live with:
Does Jessica Janicki smoke: Yes
Does Jessica Janicki need to be next to public transportation?: Yes
Does Jessica Janicki have a pet?: No
Additional Information
36 y/o female and male- fun, charismatic, outgoing, hilarious and super passive.. we like meeting new people and learning as much as we can. currently, we are looking to find an affordable room for both of us together, for a short term approximately 3-4 months. we need access to wifi for schooling purposes, he needs to complete a required online coding program prior to starting class. he has been accepted to a coding bootcamp in san francisco, where we will eventually relocated once school begins. we are a laid back couple, both intelligent and creative with a great sense of humor. financially stable and responsible, caring and compassionate. i absolutely love animals and children and i enjoy taking on a "caregiver" type roll. please contact me if this is a situation you can work with! -jessica
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