Roommate Profile

Point of Contact: "Ronney" 
How much is "Ronney" looking to pay in rent?: $20
"Ronney" is looking to live with: Anyone
Does "Ronney" smoke: No
Does "Ronney" need to be next to public transportation?: Yes
Does "Ronney" have a pet?: No

Additional Information
zeekyng to trade zervyz'z yn whole or part, for the "prezent pozzezzory ynt. of the real eztate." zeekyng no roommate'z really.

prepare food: only vegetable, for the landlord. y kook, good vegetable.

zeekyng landlyne konnekt'n. wyl prepare food the landlord. keystone, south dakota. alzo, y'm not a raz'zt, but prefer a non-jewyzh and non-eazt yndyand landlord, e.g "amerykan," wyth anzeztry goyng bak, for generat'nz yn th'z kntry - for "pre-yraq war," "pre obama" (a pozt'n before, yf u wyl) - eg., "amerykan," perhapz of "european orygyn." prefer "non-afrykan amerykan" alzo. agayn, "pre-obama." defnytely prefer, yndyvudualz of "natyve european orygyn." prefer: "bl"o"nd"e" f"e"mal"e",z" of natyve european anzeztry. y have been a vyktm of a lot of crym'z rezently, by ppl of "eazt yndyan and jewyzh anzeztry." y kant afford, for th'z to contynue. agayn, "pre-obama."

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