Roommate Profile

Leominster MA 01432, United States
Point of Contact: Patty Marshall
How much is Patty looking to pay in rent?: $750.00
Patty is looking to live with: Anyone
Does Patty smoke: No
Does Patty need to be next to public transportation?: No
Does Patty have a pet?: No

Hi, I am seeking a room to rent, I am an older woman, I work full time. Pay my rent on time as well as all my other bills. I have no pets, I do not smoke, and hardly drink. I am quiet and respectful
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The person looking can be male or female, older person. Respectful of my personal space. I am not looking for a best friend but I am very friendly. My wish is one decent size unfurnished bedroom with the possibility of my own bathroom or half bathroom. So not to be in the way in the morning when getting ready for work. Quiet, safe area. Looking in the area between Ayer and Westboro.. rent to be between $650 - $750 with utilities included. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out.

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