Roommate Profile

Providence RI 02906, USA
Point of Contact: David Antonio 
How much is David Antonio looking to pay in rent?: $555
David Antonio is looking to live with: Anyone
Does David Antonio smoke: No
Does David Antonio need to be next to public transportation?: No
Does David Antonio have a pet?: Yes

Additional Information
need to move for 2/1, or will have to do hotel thing until i find something. fixed, stable though modest income, rent over $650/ mo would be difficult. but i come well-trained at housework, yardwork, chores; have many professional, academic, physical skills and some natural gifts to contribute to the common good, making your life easier, maybe even in exchange for some rent.

i'm single, 50 (but mind, body, energy, stamina, etc., is more like 30!)... have lived either alone or with women, which is my strong preference - to enjoy real harmony, mutual respect and consideration, cleanliness, even feeling more secure and relaxed. although i'd welcome again knowing the tranquility of a female voice in the house, and having the privilege of access to a woman's opinions, advice, ideas.

as you prefer i can be invisible or great company: i'm intelligent, communicative, open and open-minded, sensitive, sensual, in touch with emotions, and on journey toward greater awareness and spiritual & physical health. besides resuming working out, i want to learn yoga & meditative technique.
can put you in touch with previous landlord, and could think of some personal references.

i have a tiny (10 lb ), old (13+ yrs ) dog who is a beloved friend. she is silent, mellow (ignores cats, no bad behavior), sleeps mostly, goes wherever i go - and clean, vaccinated. she's the sweetest animal you'd ever meet, and no trouble.

ask me anything you like. i'm interested in ri, eastern half ct, eastern ma.... maybe nh if roommate is ideal.... though i'm very flexible, curious, imaginative, squeaky clean, and could fit well into a wide range of situations. please don't dismiss me without talking first.

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